Soto Betawi

One more traditional Indonesian recipes that have a high flavor. Soto Betawi not only favored by the Betawi people alone but much-loved almost every corners of Indonesia.

Unlike any other kind of soup broth tends nodes, Soto Betawi Recipes using coconut milk as one of the staple. The use of coconut milk which is quite dominant cause Soto Betawi of Indonesia has a very savory taste! Coupled with tomato slices and a sprinkling of chips made Soto Betawi melinjo be an alternative menu is highly recommended.

Soto Betawi does have a flavor that is very seductive, but not everyone can make it. Because there are some recipes that can add more taste than this betawi soto. Here we explain Recipes Soto Betawi have quality taste that can shake up your tongue.

ingredients :
  • 500 grams of beef.
  • 1 / 2 grains of Coconut, grated coconut and take it (coconut milk).
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs.
  • 3 Fruit Boiled Potatoes.
  • 2 medium size Tomato Fruit.
  • Lime to taste.
  • Fry onion to taste.
  • 1 stalk spring onion into small slices.
  • One vertebra Lengkuas.
  • Citronella stems, crushed.
  • 3 sheets of Citrus Leaves.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.
our spice blend :

  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 5 Tamarind Fruit
  • 1 cm turmeric, grilled briefly to release flavor
  • Ginger 1cm
How to cook :
  1. Boil beef in 2 liter of water until tender, then cut the meat according to taste, it is advisable to cut the size of dice. Do not waste the broth.
  2. Heat a little oil, then after a hot stir-fry seasoning that has been refined to remove its fragrant. After sweet meat that has been input cut earlier.
  3. Stir until blended then add the galangal, lime leaves, lemongrass, and the last salt and sugar.
  4. Insert meat seasonings and stir into stew meat broth. Then add coconut milk and stir occasionally.
  5. Masak sampai daging empuk dan kuah sedikit menyusut.
Presentation mode :
  • In a serving bowl fill with sliced boiled eggs, sliced boiled potatoes, and tomato slices. Add the meat and sauce and then sprinkle with green onion soup, fried shallots, and give a little lemon juice according to taste. If you prefer, you can add a sprinkling of chips melinjo.
Soto beawi Sauce :
Sauce that is used can be anything according to your taste. However, recommendations for soto betawi chili recipe as follows:
  • 5 large red chilies, fried red pepper puree is then lightly salt and add a little gravy soup.
and now good luck and enjoy.... :-)