Yellow Fried Chicken ( Ayam Goreng Kuning)

Yellow fried chicken is fried chicken flavored seasoning yellow, want to know more, below is the recipe of yellow fried chicken, good-tasting :-)

Ingredients :
  • 1 chicken small country
  • 30 ml water
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 cm galangal, smashed
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
  • 5 lime leaves
  • 1 whole lemon, take the water
  • Oil for frying

Spices smoothed:
  • 6 red onions
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 4 cm turmeric
  • 1 thumb grated galangal
  • 3 cm ginger
  • Salt to taste

How to make :
  1. Clean the chicken, through the cut into 4 parts. Together with water, the spice paste, bay leaves, galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves and lime juice.
  2. Add chicken seasoning in a pan, cover pan, and fry over low heat until chicken is cooked. Lift.
  3. Fried chicken with hot oil until golden brown. Remove and drain the oil.

Tip: Water lime mixed into the ingredients to make chicken crispy after frying.